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Topics - John Smith

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Accepted Appeals / John Smiths Ban Appeal
« on: January 14, 2021, 02:30:23 AM »
Steam Link: https://steamcommunity.com/id/JoeJoe100200/

Character's Name: John_Smith

GUID: 3482390

Reasoning for the ban: No Clue. Crashed When i Alt Tabbed To Check my Video feed of an RDM. Logged back into the game and was Banned.

What happened, in your view: I was mauled by 5 men on my way to trade my bread i cooked with my friend i was teaching the game, when all of a sudden i see 5 men. (Edit- I did infact Yell "Halt" to them, But in the process of me trying to type out "are you in need of work?" i saw them take out their weapons. so i run. idk what they thought i would do with a 1v5-6 but- Of course i know the men from prev times seeing how they robbed me of All my money the past 2 times. So i instinctively ran. Once i was running i hollered for guards to help. Then they sent one of there men to beat on me with No Combat Warning. Then when i said it in OOC That they didn't do a combat warning they instantly said it then they started saying "You stole coin from us" and then killed me in front of guards to proceed to go through my purse and take all my coin in RP . I said fuck that I'm not losing 500 coin to a fucking Minger so i called an admin. once he got there i Alt tabbed to get the video link and i Crashed.

-Edit numb2- I Would Genuinely Love to See the Video the "Bandits" have if they could please comment it in Replies.
They Wont XD

How will you avoid being banned in future: I Guess ill give the Bandits all my money seeing how that the only way of playing this game. Getting Spam Robbed every other day isn't my sight of "Fun" but its what this community allows i guess. (Ill Just Run Naked. Way Faster Transportation Honestly now that i think on it. Who needs Bio cloths)

Denied Profession Applications / John Smith's Armor Smith App
« on: January 12, 2021, 02:00:22 AM »
Character's Name: John Smith

GUID: 3482390

Biography Link: http://calradia.role-play.community/index.php/topic,612.0.html (Had to change my role due to finding out there are alot of Carpenters in my Town.)

Profession: Armor Smith

Example of Scene relating to Profession: As John Smith Settles down he buys a Home in a Land he is New too. Sets up shop as an Armor Smith, As he was taught at a young age of 14 on how to make and wield a Sword. People passing by see the shop become more and more exquisite and More Armor up for display. The Knights See him Shaping the Chest plate upon the Anvil and inserting extra Padding for heavy blows. He Wields a Heavy Blow with the Hammer as he shapes the Armor and Guards for his sets of Perfected Armor he would soon sell in bulk to the Kingdoms of the land. He Wipes back the Sweat on his forehead looking upon what he has made. And a Smile is seen on his Face for the First in a Long Time.

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