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CRP Server Rules (Official)

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Calradia Role Play
Official Server Rules & Regulations
For both staff and non-staff

The server is the main place where we as players can role play with our characters and interact with the characters of other players. The staff asks you to follow these rules and regulations to ensure that the server has some productive role play. These rules and regulations are enforced by the staff. Failure to comply with these rules may result in a warning or ban from the server.

The rules will never be clean, therefore we ask you to apply common sense in certain situations. The ruleset will be frequently updated.

Senior Admins and above reserve the right to disregard or implement new rules for specific scenes of which are not clearly defined in the ruleset listed below and are to be held responsible when exercising such authority.

--- Quote ---Common Rules

1. This is an English speaking server. All communication must be written in English.
1.1 Exceptions are in-game languages if they are approved on the forum.

1.2 This is a roleplay server. It is expected from you to roleplay here. Any behavior and/or play style as you might be used to on other Persistent Kingdoms servers will not be tolerated here. Many rules apply that they do not have.

1.3 Excessive AFKing is prohibited, if staff notice you have spent more than 5 minutes AFK you will be kicked, your coin pouch may be wiped for repeated offenses.

1.4 Items and coins cannot be transferred from one character to another without in character reason and interaction, any forms of OOC item transfers are prohibited.

1.5 A player deserting with his duty gear is a CK'able offense, However, A CK ticket has to be provided. FL/Nobles may take the duty equipment from deserters of their faction.

1.6 Selling Faction Equipment without approval is disallowed.

1.7 Staff instructions are to be followed, failure to do so will result in punishment. If you disagree with a staff member's decision you are free to make a complaint or contact one of the senior admins.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Staff Rules

1.8 Staff members can not enforce in or deal with situations where they, their character, or their character's faction is involved.

1.9 Staff members can not enforce CKs in situations where they, their character, or their character's faction is involved.

2.0 Powers that come with being a staff member may not be used for their own, their character's, or other character's benefit.

2.1 Banning people if it is a temporary ban or a permanent ban, should always follow at least one, but favorably multiple warnings, However, this may depend on the severity of the rule break. Before said rulebreakers are banned, the admin is obligated to send a message in the staff chat to the player detailing why he will be banned. This is mostly concerning in-game actions that get responded to by staff during the act or after the act.

2.2 Staff members may not abuse their powers.

2.3 Staff members must only check logs in the name of conducting their duties. Doing so for personal purposes is not allowed.

2.4 Staff members who are conducting an investigation have the right to question any player and if a player refuses to answer any questions during the investigation in regards to discoverable evidence, they may ban them.

2.5 Plaintiffs have the burden of production when making a claim, and must meet the standard of "clear and reasonable." which is what a reasonable person would clearly and reasonably believe.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Characters and Biographies

2.6 Biographies are a must-have to play a character properly and are therefore required for most tickets and In-Game positions.

2.7 Biographies are mandatory to apply for an equipment request, profession application, child application, organization application, name change ticket, refund ticket, character kill ticket, and admin merchant ticket. Without a biography, the staff is not obligated to consider or process the application or the ticket.

2.8 The name you use when playing, plus the looks of the character, like his hair, face, and beard, together make your character.

2.9 A character must have a more or less realistic name that fits into the medieval setting in which Calradia Role Play is located. The name also must fit in with the lore of Calradia.

3.0 Characters may not be named after a real-life person, whether living now or long ago in history or a person from fiction.

3.1 Character names with any relation to non-appropriate words will not be tolerated.

3.2 Names must consist of AT LEAST a first name. Firstname_Lastname format is the most recommended to prevent issues. You aren't allowed to use any titles in your name.

3.3 Troll characters are not allowed. This includes deliberately malformed character faces and characters who use only one word or phrase.

3.4 Previous characters, which have been used in an earlier scenario, are not allowed to be brought back and used again. Any characters related to the previous characters are not allowed either.

3.5 Your characters are not allowed to know each other in any way.

3.6 A player's characters are not permitted to be affiliated to one another in any case. This includes being in the same faction, family, or involving more than one of your own characters in a scene.

3.7 You are not allowed to transfer any items or money between your characters.

3.8 We recommend that player families do not exceed four siblings/cousin relations, to prevent clan-tagging errors via a surname. Exceeding this number may attract staff intervention.

3.9 Your character must have justification to speak more than 2 languages (including your native language). You must have an accepted biography to justify this.
4.0 Learning a new language takes a minimum of two OOC weeks to learn and has to be made a ticket for, proper roleplay documenting has to be added for each practicing day.

4.1 Your character must have an accepted biography with specific training to perform medical roleplay. More advanced medical roleplay can be done if you have an approved medical profession.

4.2 Characters are not permitted to portray an animal of any kind unless they are played by a staff member (regardless of his status on the team) or they have explicit staff permission.

4.3 If your character is killed, you may not join the same faction on your new character until three weeks have passed from the day of your character's death.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Erotic Roleplay (ERP)

4.5 ERP (Erotic Role Play) is allowed, but keep it to a minimum. It is not allowed to be done in public view.

4.6 ERP/fading to black with child characters and teen characters is highly prohibited and stands a direct permanent ban.

4.7 Any sort of ERP with animals is not allowed - ERP or FTB. Such actions will lead to a permanent ban.

4.7 Forced ERP is not allowed, both parties must be willing to take part. A player has the right to outright deny the rape of their character, even if it is to be faded to black. Pushing someone OOCly to ERP Is a bannable offense.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Nobility

4.8 You are not allowed to pretend to be nobility, instead, you will need an accepted noble application.

4.9 For an already existing character to become noble through means such as marriage, adoption, or knighthood, you require a noble application.

5.0 An already existing relative of noble, who is not a noble, and is accepted as a relative, requires a noble application as well.

5.1 If you wish for your noble character to leave go on/off-map, you must have approval from senior staff.

5.2 Noble and warrior class gear MAY NOT be traded or transferred to other players for any reason, ICly or OOCly. Those who are given special gear are the only ones allowed to use it in-game. (i.e, No giving the FL gear to your best fighter to fight a duel)

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Child Characters

5.3 Child characters are characters between the age of 6 years and 16 years old. These characters are not allowed to wear any armor over 20 and are not permitted to carry a weapon of any kind other than practice weapons, knives, and daggers.
They are not allowed to ride a horse unless practicing with an adult. Using a lever or a winch is not allowed.

5.4 To be able to play a child character you will have to make an application.

5.5 Child characters must beat competing rolls by at least 30
5.6 Every IRL month, a child character WILL age a year. Child characters are allowed to speed it up with aging one year every IRL week

5.7 Once the character has reached the age of 16, they are no longer a teen character.

5.8 Child characters may not have any facial hair.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---In-Game Chat

5.9 Out Of Character chat (Global/Local) is there to exchange information or used by staff to inform players. It is not encouraged to make use of L-OOC as it disturbs roleplay, Take it to PMs.

6.0 Insulting, Racism, Toxicity, Etc, Is not tolerated and will be punished. Lying OOCly to Staff members is not allowed, If resulted so, a hefty ban can be given.

6.1 Sharing IC information OOCly is considered metagaming and therefore disallowed.

6.2 Staff chat (Backspace) can be used to file your requests or reports. Do not spam the chat. If there is no staff member online to fulfill your request, It is suggestible you go to the forums or our discord #Support-Request.

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--- Quote ---Metagaming & Powergaming

6.3 Metagaming is a term that describes a player's use of real-life knowledge concerning the state of the game to determine their character's actions when said character has no relevant knowledge or awareness under the circumstances. Metagaming is an example of "breaking character", as the character is making decisions based on information they couldn't know and thus would not make in reality. It is not allowed.

Simplified - The use of OOC knowledge to decide your next move ICly.

6.4 Shouting IC information in local OOC chat is considered metagaming. Taking advantage of this as a player Is punishable.

6.5 Making use of Steam, Discord, TeamSpeak, or any other medium for communication to get knowledge about characters and using that information IC is considered metagaming.

6.6 Under no circumstances are your alt characters allowed to have knowledge about your previous characters. Any disputes you had on previous characters must be put aside and in no way may you find revenge on said person.

6.7 Powergaming is a particular way of playing in which the player tries to have his will/way to win, often when the player can not win IC wise with their character, they'll try OOC'ly with extending the powers of said character beyond what's realistically possible in terms of role-playing.

6.8 Abusing the local chat system to gain IC information that your character would not hear is considered metagaming and power gaming. Shouts can be heard through a door, talking is inaudible.

6.9 Failing to value life above death for your character is also seen as power gaming in most situations.

7.0 Failing to role play wounds is considered Powergaming. Wounds should be roleplayed accordingly.

7.1 Jumping from heights that would be considered dangerous in real life have to be roleplayed accordingly (Emoted and /roll 100 for wounds, Below 50 you'll have to walk for 15 minutes). To an extent, staff may intervene and enforce wounds on the said person if the jump is too severe. Example: A stone tower/wall, Or a mountain cliff.

7.2 You are expected to partake in roleplay in scenes in which you are involved, logging off to avoid roleplay or ignoring roleplay around you is considered power gaming.

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--- Quote ---Glitching & Exploitation of Bugs

7.3 Any bugs or glitches found in the module or the map should be reported to the staff team. Abuse of bugs and/or exploiting them for personal gain is strictly forbidden.

7.4 Duplicating items, trading duplicated items, or accepting duplicated items will not be tolerated. Doing so will result in a ban and the removal of all duped items. This Includes the glitching of an arrow/bolt kind (From normal arrows to bodkin arrows without buying them).

7.5 Cliff-glitching, which is walking up to cliffs when one isn't able to do so in reality, is not allowed.

7.6 Glitching through doors or walls Is not allowed, not even if you have IC reason to be inside.

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--- Quote ---About Combat

7.7 Randomly attacking anyone, for whatever reason, is strongly forbidden. Fights always need proper IC reasoning. OOC fighting is not allowed and staff has the right to enforce wounds.

7.8 Players are not allowed to take any weapons from their inventory if they are caught completely defenseless by possible aggressors. What is possible aggression? This includes every kind of hostile situation where you are either halted, robbed, ambushed, questioned, tense scenes, etc.

7.9 If told to stop OOC fighting, consider that a warning. The staff dealing with the case may choose to ban without warning at their discretion.

8.0 Sparring IC is allowed on training grounds, wooden swords have to be used. If you 'spar' without wooden weapons, wounds may be enforced by staff members.

8.1 For combat to happen, the initiator must give OOC knowledge of their intent towards those involved in the scene, this is done by typing in the OOC chat Combat warning, you must then wait until one of the conditions are met before a fight can begin:
     The target of the combat warning moves.
     The initiator waits ten seconds.
Combat may persist until all fighters have finished, new fighters arriving don't have to issue another warning. Once the OOC combat warning is delivered the initiator has 1 minute from the point of the message to meet one of the conditions before the combat warning is no longer valid and another one will have to be made.

8.2 If you emote an attack, then you also have to roll for its outcome. Any conflicts must be rolled for unless the other party is wounded.

8.3 When defending a teleport door it is not allowed to kill-box and a reasonable distance must be kept. Half the enemy force has to enter before an attack can be made.

8.4 A shield, which has been broken IC, will not be respawned under any circumstance - whether it was broken during a training match, or real combat bears no significance. Unless granted permission from the staff.

8.5 Rolls may be used to decide who wins in physical conflict. It is opt-in, however, the rules regarding power gaming still apply. You might be able to fight off two attackers, certainly not three, for example. Your character, generally speaking, is just as strong as everyone else. Do not roleplay a giant Viking and expect other people to respect that.

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--- Quote ---Looting & Banditry

8.6 Looting someone requires the subject of the looting to be wounded, the only thing able to be looted from players is a set amount of coins displayed by using the /roll 100 command, the result of the roll is the number of coins looted. The subject must empty their pouch if they do not have the full value. Once someone has been looted they are not allowed to be looted by any player for 24 hours. The only exception for this is if a faction is retrieving faction equipment from someone who is currently not supposed to have it IC, examples include if they are a deserter, a thief, or have been fired.

8.7 The looting of chests and character items is disallowed.

8.8 When a character is caught red-handed robbing someone, he can be maimed or CK'ed without needing a CK ticket or staff enforcement. When he manages to get away and is caught later, a CK ticket or staff enforcement is needed to CK this character.

8.9 After the robbery you are not allowed to log off for 20 minutes. If in these 20 minutes people find you, you are not allowed to log off until you can escape and be able to hide again, The timer resets. Therefore don't start a robbery when you know you might run out of time.

9.0 If a person drops an item meant for someone else, you are not allowed to steal it off the ground.

9.1 You are not allowed to hide a money pouch in your inventory or slot.

9.2 If a character is found to have stolen gold, then the total amount of the stolen gold can be retrieved from the character's gold pouch.

9.3 People cannot hide in Ismirala castle after conducting banditry (or generally!), as there is a garrison meant to be there. Anyone caught hiding there will have to reset the timer for the duration that they were in Ismirala Castle. Please note: If the portcullis is open, it is because of a server reset.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Character Kills & Maiming

9.4 Character Kills are only permitted if the subject of the kill gives OOC permission to follow through with it, once a character kill is done the subject of the character kill must use the command /wipeall and not log back in on that character, this character is considered in-character dead. In order to force a character to kill another player, a ticket must be approved by the staff team. In appropriate circumstances Admins and above can approve a CK to happen in real-time, such circumstances can be overturned if the CKed player appeals the decision and senior staff review it as unwarranted.

9.5 Scenes involving excessive gore, maiming, or torture require OOC consent from all parties involved, if no OOC consent is given it should be done via fade to black.

9.6 Maiming another character, examples include removing sight, ability to speak, removal of limbs and other irrecoverable injuries require OOC consent from all parties involved, Admins and above can be called to a scene to enforce such.

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--- Quote ---Wound Role Play

9.7 Wounds have to be roleplayed; not roleplaying wounds are considered power gaming. Not adhering to wound role play may result in the Force CK of your character.
9.8 Surgeons are characters who have applied and had their professions accepted in-forum. Only those with an approved Surgeon profession can treat wounds.

9.9 OOC heal from Admin: When a scene has to be redone, you could ask for a heal. OOC sparring is not a reason to ask for a heal.

9.10 Horses have a twelve-hour wound timer, they cannot be whistled during this recovery period if they are KOed.

--- End quote ---

--- Quote ---Safe-Zones & Keep Assaults

Map, outlining safe zones and patrol zones.

10. Within their specific faction safe zones, combat can only be initiated by the faction to which the safe zone belongs. This can be bypassed by a war ticket, which can only be made by a faction leader.

10.1 Keep Assaults must have a Senior Admin approval and there must be at least a days notice given OOC about the assault, however, If both parties were to agree on a keep assault, Senior Admins may grant permission for that specific moment.

Within faction patrol zones combat may only be initiated by players from the faction associated with the patrol zone, except for when there are at least 50 players online, with at least 5 of these players being part of the faction of which the specific patrol zone belongs.

10.2 Structures/buildings can not be destroyed/burnt without OOC approval from staff. Unless done under the conditions set out by a Raid ticket completed by a faction leader.

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--- Quote ---Misc Rules

10.3 Transporting people on horseback Is not allowed. When dragging someone, You are to sheath all your weaponry and be in walking mode.

10.4 If combat takes place in a patrol zone and the faction of said patrol zone retreats into a safe zone, Combat may not persist inside (Excluding ranged fire, etc.) and must be put to a halt.

10.5 If combat takes place near a Safe zone (Right outside), The portcullis may not be dropped to trap enemies who overstepped into the safe zone. If the portcullis Is dropped, It may not be reopened until 10 minutes have passed.

10.6 When a Keep Assault has been approved. The portcullis has to be closed stationary. In order to break the portcullis torches will have to be used to light a fire. From there on It'll require 15 minutes of burning before It crumbles.

10.7 Independent Nobility (Warrior or Noble) should remain neutral In War unless given explicit permission from SA's to be able to partake. Ignoring this rule can have your Character be revoked.

--- End quote ---

The following rule has been removed:

4.3 Women may not wear any armor over the defense of 30 (Including any form of mail and excluding tribal outfit) and noblewomen may not wear weapons (excluding daggers) without applying to staff via ticket.

The following rule:

Within faction patrol zones combat may only be initiated by players from the faction associated with the patrol zone, except for when there are at least 40 players online, with at least 5 of these players being part of the faction of which the specific patrol zone belongs.

Has been channged to:

Within faction patrol zones combat may only be initiated by players from the faction associated with the patrol zone, except for when there are at least 50 players online, with at least 5 of these players being part of the faction of which the specific patrol zone belongs.


Upon decision of staff we have gotten rid of horse archery. It is now against the rules and will be enforced upon.

The following rule has been added:

9.9 Horses have a twelve hour wound timer, they cannot be whistled during this recovery period if they are KOed.

Rule 9.3 is added, which is a situational provision:

Rule 9.3. People cannot hide in Ismirala castle after conducting banditry (or generally!), as there is a garrison meant to be there. Anyone caught hiding there will have to reset the timer, for the duration that they were in Ismirala Castle. Please note: If the portcullis is open, it is because of a server reset.


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