Information > Events

The Great Fair



It Is rumored that a grand fair will soon be held to celebrate the conquering of Ismirala Castle. There'll be several contests such as Nobility Jousting, Archery Contests, Boat racing, Running contests, and many more! The Fair will be set up in Tehlrog's fields, are all welcome to join and feast, peace at last!
Might be held midweek or In the weekends, Tba

*Nikos gauthier wonders how a great fair can include "boat racings" which leads it only to great battles.

*Alexander would still be waiting for his silver ring from the last boat race.


--- Quote from: Tirtil on March 15, 2021, 02:18:21 AM ---*Nikos gauthier wonders how a great fair can include "boat racings" which leads it only to great battles.

--- End quote ---

*Nikos Gauthier raises his eyebrows to the fact that before even the boat race, a rumour of Great Feast led the folk of Curin to a  Great Battle once more...


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