
Author Topic: Dying Scenario: A guide  (Read 3576 times)

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Offline Perry

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2021, 07:05:17 PM »
Being the profession whore that I am, I've got to say to this. Being somebody that entered the scenario late as a craftsman made it impossible for me to progress whatsoever, I've not sold a single T1 item yet. I can't blame others for not buying anything from me as it's pointless, there are a few craftsmen that played since the start and progressed to T2 and beyond, they can buy the items they need from them. There's absolutely no reason for people to buy T1 shit, as I agree with the argument that there's too much gear being handed out, why would anyone need a cap with fur when you get better faction gear or something similar starting gear. Not to mention that you can get everything you need from admin merchants, just make a ticket and you get the shit that you need without wasting time.

The second issue is the staff laziness. I understand everyone has their personal lives and that being a staff member is used up from your own time, though why apply for staff at all if you don't want to spend time on it. The scenario was not even a month in and I already noticed a concerning amount of disregard from the staff members, I had to spam about three days straight in the admin chat before I could even get in contact with a staff member. Not to mention that my tickets were open for weeks without any reply or feedback. The lack of communication between staff members is also concerning, scenes are being voided left and right without the staff member involving both parties. It's clear that there are bias motives behind some decisions and it keeps happening over and over again, get that fixed.

Offline Ryan00

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2021, 07:09:44 PM »

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING?!? the staff team cries, being so incredibly unaware of itself it hurts. 12 sets of T2-3 mercenary kit to 4 different mercenary companies. An additional 10 sets of gear handed out to Hani's faction as a consequence of their bitching and moaning. 10 Vaegirs arriving on map with upper T3 sabre one-handers, strong bows, etc. The staff team has injected tons of gear into the scenario, like putting a patient on a bloodbag without actually closing up the wound in their leg. absolutely retarded.

As for the horse issue: no. you're dumb. horses are a fast way to cross the map. The staff FUCKED UP BIG TIME when they gave everyone T3 horsemanship. Only warrior class people and those that have been trained to fight on horseback ICly should have T3 horsemanship. Give everyone else T2, that way they can cross the map without spending 10 minutes of their lives. Horses are not a status symbol, that's retarded. they are and should never be reserved for nobility. ever.

The Vaegirs came on map with one warrior set, a special character and eight combat sets. Each set come into value 3000 less than any factions. Sabres are tier 1, they cost 1200 gold compared to the 1000 for a sword. We got 2 short bows on addition of the group. Our armour and helmets were worse with no gloves given too. Apologies for gaining gold through ransoms and buying equipment icly from in game crafters. The group has been involved in most of the major roleplay since we have come on map and have actively interacted with every single faction on the server. Is it 100% fair? No it isn't but at the same time we have done our best to generate rp with the tools at our disposal.

If people want to complain we are a combat group then go ahead, we have relied on combat but that is because I have complained about being placed on the map as a step between an org and a faction without ANY non combat means of generating funds. There's limited possibility in creating serious cash when you don't have any crafting spots, a resource or no faction roll. We icly traded for goods, sold pies and meat but you can't keep up with groups by selling pies alone.

Last night myself and the other faction leaders brought up pretty much every problem on this list and hopefully there will be a resolution for them in the coming days.

Offline Septimus

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2021, 07:10:20 PM »
Hi, as many of you might be aware, the server's population is declining fast, while it still manages to get a good amount of players during peak hours, many of people I play with and myself think the scene is becoming boring and mismanaged.
Before I start pointing out issues in a warband politician persona, I'd like to point out that although the server has serious problems, it has a few advantages as well; We've had the largest playerbase since like CRP 3, very good scripts (although prone to bugs) and a decent map.

However, despite all these advantages, here we are, so I'd list what I think bothers me and fellow other players on the server.

To start off, one big killer to the server is the management of the events, the concept of Ismirala Castle breathing at the region's neck is nice at first, but has only devolved to become a population boost fix for days the server is a little low on playerbase; it serves no roleplay consequence or any thing of value to the scenery, it's only purpose is an LMB fest.
Another example of events being poorly managed was the offmap bandit event a month ago, players fighting for the Bandit faction mass walked out due to it being purely scripted and admin controlled, ultimately the event served no purpose rather than a fight and many people left out without enjoyment.
A way to tackle either mismanaged or poorly led events is to bring back the EM role, and plan event chains that brings interest to the RP scene, a good example would be the Cultist Event Chain on Pax 1, which was well done and encouraged players to roleplay their own scenes based on the main event. Having an event that leaves impact on characters rather than being an LMB bannercall would ensure some kind of persistent RP rather than only logging on to fight the event head on.

The second problem is the server's staff team, which arguably in my opinion, is lazy or sluggish.
One example of it being true is the fact that there's no persistent schedule of staff meetings, literally there one time there is one is during a Dumpster fire, and it's only purpose during said staff meeting is to extinguish said dumpster fire till another one arises. There's a significant lack of communication to, as evident to the fact that Hani voided everything regarding a CK without complete staff notice.
Complaints are being completely ignored, one player I've been told has his complaint unanswered for more than a month now, and another one told me his is also being ignored for two weeks now. Like complaints, noble applications are also being ignored and neglected.
Having the Staff team fix it self rests entirely on themselves, but the minimum I can suggest is making complaints public and having regular staff meetings, like every other server before this.

The third issue currently is the general scenery, and it's the most impacting one.
This Scenario isn't too sophisticated, so it's pretty easy to get a hang of each faction, despite the lack of depth of lore. I believe most players have a problem with the scenario growing stale too quickly, there was a major war and suddenly everybody's out of steam, you see the playerbase slowly declining after the dumpster fire last week. I think a proper way to fix it is instead of relying on tensions to create your RP is to have players focused on factional development, not conflict; collapsing Ismirala in an earthquake and saving 100 worth of KB could bring the proper motivation of faction members to start working on ways to improve their settlements by building taverns, workshops or any building that makes players work and RP hard for.

Another thing that buggers me with the general scenery is that I've seen a pattern of staff members accepting new organizations in a hurry to increase population numbers, old organizations who've been created since launch started out with tier 1 gear and maybe a spot for them to RP as a headquarters. Currently now though, organizations are instantly being accepted if they've got more than one player to log on the server, and are giving tier 2 gear immediately where other organizations have struggled long.

That's all I can talk about, I hope this gets note because the scenario isn't completely flawed and it could improve, if I've missed anything or you've got an idea post and discuss below.

All I can say is. I agree it is kind of dying down, but I'm kind of old school in the way that I wish to keep a scenario alive as long as possible. I believe that if not only staff team, but the players put in effort to build up the scenery, we can keep it alive.

I really don't want to make a new character every 2 - 3 months because a new server keeps releasing and splitting the community. Bring back the old times and do a scenario for a longer period of time. And this goes out to everyone, not only the staff team or something.

And here is where I want to commend the old Vaejeg people who got fucked for so long and kept playing on this scenario until their faction was revived with a lot of effort.
Same goes for the nords who joined Fenada after Tehlrog went down. Cheers to you because instead of leaving the server after a huge defeat, you chose to keep the RP alive and rebuild the nordic community under one House.

Problem is that when huge factions are defeated, there are awlays people who were in them just because they were handed free gear and did absolutely nothing to contribute to the RP. So after wars we tend to see huge drops in server population. It's because the people who joined the server to fight or the so called metasquads are dead and don't want to work for their gear on another character.

As for Ismirala. Completely failed... Had a huge potential RP wise. They could've:
  • Come with terms to all the factions in the region, giving them an ultimatum, or the vaegirs will attack (For example forced them to hand out supplies or some more territory, which would make us all unite against them)
  • Instead of simply getting called on to shoot some people or do completely ridicolous attacks on Tehlrog with a bunch of horsemen, they could've sent diplomats and spies to assess the situation. This would create RP and TENSION, which is never there when vaegirs just decide to hop on, shoot and run back to the keep.
  • Fighting events might have been for certain fortifications - They gain territory? We manage to push them back. So they move back and next time we attack the next point. Or if we lose, vaegirs have gained some land and it becomes dangerous for us to go there, so the next battle is over that piece of land.
There are many more ideas and the mismanagement of the vaegir event made me wonder sometimes - Who the fuck even thought that this would work??? Honestly.

Offline Bartolomeo

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2021, 07:14:19 PM »
The Vaegirs came on map with one warrior set, a special character and eight combat sets. Each set come into value 3000 less than any factions. Sabres are tier 1, they cost 1200 gold compared to the 1000 for a sword. We got 2 short bows on addition of the group. Our armour and helmets were worse with no gloves given too. Apologies for gaining gold through ransoms and buying equipment icly from in game crafters. The group has been involved in most of the major roleplay since we have come on map and have actively interacted with every single faction on the server. Is it 100% fair? No it isn't but at the same time we have done our best to generate rp with the tools at our disposal.

If people want to complain we are a combat group then go ahead, we have relied on combat but that is because I have complained about being placed on the map as a step between an org and a faction without ANY non combat means of generating funds. There's limited possibility in creating serious cash when you don't have any crafting spots, a resource or no faction roll. We icly traded for goods, sold pies and meat but you can't keep up with groups by selling pies alone.

Last night myself and the other faction leaders brought up pretty much every problem on this list and hopefully there will be a resolution for them in the coming days.

the fact you came on map with anything is reason enough for people to complain. telling me that you gained anything through IC means holds no water, because the moment an admin dropped you the 31c sabre you stopped being a grassroots organization, and started becoming a settlement payment for the breaking apart of tehlrog.

as i said, you should've replaced tehlrog, not jokah.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 07:16:16 PM by Bartolomeo »

Offline Ryan00

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2021, 07:17:05 PM »
the fact you came on map with anything is reason enough for people to complain. you should have arrived to replace tehlrog if you arrived at all.

Yes because the additional rp generated is outweighed by your salt over equipment sets going to people who chose to live on a mountain out the way of everyone. We also arrived weeks before Tehlrog but sure if that helps the delusion live on. Tehlrog being replaced by Jokah over us is fine by me. IC always comes first and it's gotta make sense!

Offline Septimus

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2021, 07:18:43 PM »
anyone that has a brain agrees with the tavern issue. Hani is totally at fault for being a greedy hegemon when he forced sage to remap it inside of tehlrog, which i think is actually the #1 reason as to why CRP7's map is actually a BAD map. This is entirely the fault of hani, and no one else. why did you need iron, the #1 resource in the game, the prop merchant, the most housing, AND a tavern hani?

remember hani, if you somehow blame moth for this it's a whopping 10 points!

as for the rest of them, the staff has injected far too many combat sets into the server. they had an opportunity to axe a few when Tehlrog went explode mode, but failed to do so. Here's something the staff team needs to get into their brains:

If you give players a shit ton of shiny combat sets, chances are they'll all decide to fight!

Gear inflation during this scenario has been entirely the fault of the staff, injecting far too many sets into the server at the start of the scenario, and all they've been doing since is accepting bullshit warrior applications, and throwing absurd amounts of gear at every "mercenary company" that has taken the time to write a 5-minute org app. It's not even good-intentioned gear inflation either, where craftsmen inflate the economy with cheap T3 items, no. instead, it's admin merchant gear, which exists purely to stomp other players. at least there's roleplay surrounding craftsmen. Hani and the rest of staff had the right idea when they axed the admin merchant with this event.

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING?!? the staff team cries, being so incredibly unaware of itself it hurts. 12 sets of T2-3 mercenary kit to 4 different mercenary companies. An additional 10 sets of gear handed out to Hani's faction as a consequence of their bitching and moaning. 10 Vaegirs arriving on map with upper T3 sabre one-handers, strong bows, etc. The staff team has injected tons of gear into the scenario, like putting a patient on a bloodbag without actually closing up the wound in their leg. absolutely retarded.

As for the horse issue: no. you're dumb. horses are a fast way to cross the map. The staff FUCKED UP BIG TIME when they gave everyone T3 horsemanship. Only warrior class people and those that have been trained to fight on horseback ICly should have T3 horsemanship. Give everyone else T2, that way they can cross the map without spending 10 minutes of their lives. Horses are not a status symbol, that's retarded. they are and should never be reserved for nobility. ever.

I can only agree about the "warrior" applications... Worst is when you notice that so many of them and yeah I won't give any names, never interact with anyone else and just hop on with that kind of gear for fights. They literally provide zero RP to the factions but run around in T3 or T4 gear and act "important" because their app was somehow accepted. Made my eyes bleed at times

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2021, 07:18:58 PM »

Offline Tyrion

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2021, 07:19:28 PM »
I'll talk with the rest of staff. An announcement of some sort will be made. We had intended to do so after the staff meeting, but some people needed to be talked to.

Offline Bartolomeo

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #23 on: March 01, 2021, 07:20:03 PM »
Yes because the additional rp generated is outweighed by your salt over equipment sets going to people who chose to live on a mountain out the way of everyone. We also arrived weeks before Tehlrog but sure if that helps the delusion live on. Tehlrog being replaced by Jokah over us is fine by me. IC always comes first and it's gotta make sense!

you antagonize nords and RP cows and yaks.

Offline reyne

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #24 on: March 01, 2021, 07:20:07 PM »
yes, exactly like that.

pedantic. that's not the point. you still received masses of T3 sabres. dont be a retard and deflect because i got a minute detail wrong, you had a faction's worth of kit as an organization, any any argument to the contrary can only come from chromosome collectors.

How do we have a faction's worth of kit? The sabres, while being T3, are not amongst this game's even average weapons. They suck, and every faction around us had much better weapons, on every level. Not to mention we were one of the only consistently active orgs, and the only one that contributed to roleplay more than "OH MY god the sultan is losing we must BANNER call". Even as a faction we didn't get half the shit the others got so your criticism is really directed at the wrong people bud.

Offline Uyryzmag

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2021, 07:22:11 PM »
you antagonize nords and RP cows and yaks.

whats wrong with cows and yaks like honestly asking

Offline Ryan00

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2021, 07:24:03 PM »
you antagonize nords and RP cows and yaks.

We roleplay having cows and Yaks because we have no resource and want to be more than just killers on a hill - "Nice RP xd Why aren't you sipping wine in a locked room??"

Our Yaks are killed by Nords every time they walk past - "You antagonize Nords every day and RUIN the scenario for my elite passive rp >:("

Okay bro, I hear DNRP is doing a scenario dedicated to elite level rp for your kind.

Offline vPaperMario

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2021, 07:34:14 PM »
Please can we keep this on topic.

Any further comments not on topic will be removed.

This thread is to get a better understanding from the players and try better the server. Going at each others throats benefits noone.

Offline Karling

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2021, 07:38:10 PM »
It's the OOC bullshit that happens AFTER EVERY LITTLE THING. No matter what happens, someone's going to cry in fucking discord for hours about an admin decision or something of the sort. It's honestly pathetic. Between that, the open metagaming and leaking of shit that really shouldn't have been leaked really wears on people that want to just play for fun, but get bogged down by this mentally retarded community.

I honestly liked where the scenario's been going, with the Nords on the back foot trying to recuperate from their losses and plotting revenge, etc. It's been fun RPing around that and it has a lot of potential. But again the OOC fuckery comes into every little thing and people who honestly don't roleplay take things personally and start  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( to the admins at every possible step of the way.

Doesn't help that there's a bunch of retarded events that come out of nowhere that almost always have to target the Nords, I've found. Why the fuck are pagan nords attacking other pagan nords? Braindead events like that, and the lackluster usage of Ismirala castle really do fail the scenario. The first few events on the server were actually fun, even if it was just Full Invasion, there was a loose story of sorts that was followed and it made the war and the world feel more alive.

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2021, 08:20:10 PM »
The majority of the points that have been raised I agree with, however the main issue for me about the scenario is just the amount wars/fights that have happened in such a short time. For me, it has really burned out the enjoyment of the scenario as it feels like an every day thing of "Oh the swadians are in Fenada again with their entire garrison" or "Swadians/Vaegirs are here insulting us once again" Those two things are what this entire scenario has boiled down to for me personally.

There is no build up what so ever when it comes to wars, which makes them lack any form of impact. Instead of it being a case of "Oh shit we are on boys, its war" now its more "Ah, here we go again". Thats without even speaking over some of the petty shit wars start over, that or people just looking for any passable excuse to start wars off. I would even put forward that the war reasons are only just better than normal PK server play where the entire war reasons can be boiled down to "Vaeyjeg declares war on Fenada, Reason: War 2 electric boogaloo" or better yet "Boat wars 3, the sequel no one asked for"


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