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Offline OOC Fighter #3

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Dying Scenario: A guide
« on: March 01, 2021, 06:06:03 PM »
Hi, as many of you might be aware, the server's population is declining fast, while it still manages to get a good amount of players during peak hours, many of people I play with and myself think the scene is becoming boring and mismanaged.
Before I start pointing out issues in a warband politician persona, I'd like to point out that although the server has serious problems, it has a few advantages as well; We've had the largest playerbase since like CRP 3, very good scripts (although prone to bugs) and a decent map.

However, despite all these advantages, here we are, so I'd list what I think bothers me and fellow other players on the server.

To start off, one big killer to the server is the management of the events, the concept of Ismirala Castle breathing at the region's neck is nice at first, but has only devolved to become a population boost fix for days the server is a little low on playerbase; it serves no roleplay consequence or any thing of value to the scenery, it's only purpose is an LMB fest.
Another example of events being poorly managed was the offmap bandit event a month ago, players fighting for the Bandit faction mass walked out due to it being purely scripted and admin controlled, ultimately the event served no purpose rather than a fight and many people left out without enjoyment.
A way to tackle either mismanaged or poorly led events is to bring back the EM role, and plan event chains that brings interest to the RP scene, a good example would be the Cultist Event Chain on Pax 1, which was well done and encouraged players to roleplay their own scenes based on the main event. Having an event that leaves impact on characters rather than being an LMB bannercall would ensure some kind of persistent RP rather than only logging on to fight the event head on.

The second problem is the server's staff team, which arguably in my opinion, is lazy or sluggish.
One example of it being true is the fact that there's no persistent schedule of staff meetings, literally there one time there is one is during a Dumpster fire, and it's only purpose during said staff meeting is to extinguish said dumpster fire till another one arises. There's a significant lack of communication to, as evident to the fact that Hani voided everything regarding a CK without complete staff notice.
Complaints are being completely ignored, one player I've been told has his complaint unanswered for more than a month now, and another one told me his is also being ignored for two weeks now. Like complaints, noble applications are also being ignored and neglected.
Having the Staff team fix it self rests entirely on themselves, but the minimum I can suggest is making complaints public and having regular staff meetings, like every other server before this.

The third issue currently is the general scenery, and it's the most impacting one.
This Scenario isn't too sophisticated, so it's pretty easy to get a hang of each faction, despite the lack of depth of lore. I believe most players have a problem with the scenario growing stale too quickly, there was a major war and suddenly everybody's out of steam, you see the playerbase slowly declining after the dumpster fire last week. I think a proper way to fix it is instead of relying on tensions to create your RP is to have players focused on factional development, not conflict; collapsing Ismirala in an earthquake and saving 100 worth of KB could bring the proper motivation of faction members to start working on ways to improve their settlements by building taverns, workshops or any building that makes players work and RP hard for.

Another thing that buggers me with the general scenery is that I've seen a pattern of staff members accepting new organizations in a hurry to increase population numbers, old organizations who've been created since launch started out with tier 1 gear and maybe a spot for them to RP as a headquarters. Currently now though, organizations are instantly being accepted if they've got more than one player to log on the server, and are giving tier 2 gear immediately where other organizations have struggled long.

That's all I can talk about, I hope this gets note because the scenario isn't completely flawed and it could improve, if I've missed anything or you've got an idea post and discuss below.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 06:22:35 PM by Herod »

Offline ShizzelDiDizzel

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2021, 06:17:26 PM »
You forgot the only point that matters. The players here are opportunists. The second a new scenario is released they stop playing because they immediately believe the old one will die so their time is wasted, and that their characters could be more in a future scenario.

Offline Bartolomeo

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2021, 06:22:18 PM »
Sub-20 pop for 2 days is not indicative of a dying scenario. What is indicative of a dying scenario is this current staff team, which reneges on its word, fails to actually follow through with proposed solutions, and refuses to implement the very simple and usually reasonable requests of staff and players. Getting ghosted and always turned down is an easy and quick way to disillusion your players, who think the staff is opposed to their progression. That’s the real way to fast-track suicide your server.

Offline Stoniestpepper

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2021, 06:26:43 PM »
The tavern not being in a neutral zone is also an issue, it should be in a neutral zone to promote passive Roleplay. Currently it being in Tehlrog has issues with Sarranid Characters who must remove their turbans which goes against their culture and religious values. And in case of becoming an enemy or hated by the Telhrog faction, you are forced to avoid the Tavern in general.

Admin merchants should be a rare event, only ever turning up once a month in my opinion, this helps the Smiths get more business and become worth more in general to the server and Houses. A over abundance of Admin merchant gear makes smithing almost worthless as why wait nearly a month for a smith to go the tier you want. When you can just make a ticket and get the gear you want quickly.

Over abundance of horses. Horses use to be for nobility only; it gave you the ability to know who was important and was able to get you a job in your early RP, now you walk up to a horsemen and they could literally be a character of no worth at all confusing the structure of importance for new players. Horse pricing should be much more expensive and should be reserved for Nobility only.

Over abundance of Nobility. Every House has around 4+ nobles, and then you have independent ones as well; Not that you would know who is nobility, no one uses their titles and openly can disrespect nobility without any form of punishment. For example, a Nordic Thegn's title not being used would be looked as a challenge of authority and disrespect, it would be punished swiftly and brutally. Same with a Swadian Lord being called by his name by some random commoner, it would be punished but in a form of being thrown in a cells and whipped, maybe tongue removed.

The need to "win at roleplay". This is the biggest issue, everyone believes they need to "win at rp" which, I don't understand how you can win at roleplay or how you would do so. Everyone has this over bloated feeling of importance to their character, meaning they will not accept CKs for legitimate reasons such as holding a Baron hostage and robbing nobility as it is a "petty crime". View Nobility as like a President or a Minister in the government, the punishment for robbing or holding one of these figures would be extremely harsh and swift. Thievery of any kind within the medieval ages held harsh punishments such as loss of hands, lashings or executions.

Bandit applications, I think this would help promote good banditry, your character all of a sudden drops all he knows and starts robbing people? I do not think so, this also stops the issue of people creating bandits to attack their OOC enemies.

Anything you are wanting to discuss with me that I have posted, I am free for a conversation.

Offline Kume

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2021, 06:28:30 PM »
I agree with pretty much everything you just mentioned specially with the last point, If you're seeing a lazy staff it's because their priority is to bring people into the server promising free gear from organization just to boost the server's pop, but that's a TEMPORARILY and it wont last forever cuz it is different when you earn something completley out of nowhere and something that you actually worked hard and earned it, You'll value it more.

One more point to the future servers, choose the important characters ( FL) wisely and let them take care of the faction, do not script battles and favour someone higher and someone less, and least when you kill off a faction  with event chars, and ignore the complaints a perfect exmaple is SHIN's power abuse, do not expect those players who put high effort into their characters to make a brand new one and to keep roleplaying.

Offline Bartolomeo

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2021, 06:33:52 PM »
The tavern not being in a neutral zone is also an issue, it should be in a neutral zone to promote passive Roleplay. Currently it being in Tehlrog has issues with Sarranid Characters who must remove their turbans which goes against their culture and religious values. And in case of becoming an enemy or hated by the Telhrog faction, you are forced to avoid the Tavern in general.

Admin merchants should be a rare event, only ever turning up once a month in my opinion, this helps the Smiths get more business and become worth more in general to the server and Houses. A over abundance of Admin merchant gear makes smithing almost worthless as why wait nearly a month for a smith to go the tier you want. When you can just make a ticket and get the gear you want quickly.

Over abundance of horses. Horses use to be for nobility only; it gave you the ability to know who was important and was able to get you a job in your early RP, now you walk up to a horsemen and they could literally be a character of no worth at all confusing the structure of importance for new players. Horse pricing should be much more expensive and should be reserved for Nobility only.

Over abundance of Nobility. Every House has around 4+ nobles, and then you have independent ones as well; Not that you would know who is nobility, no one uses their titles and openly can disrespect nobility without any form of punishment. For example, a Nordic Thegn's title not being used would be looked as a challenge of authority and disrespect, it would be punished swiftly and brutally. Same with a Swadian Lord being called by his name by some random commoner, it would be punished but in a form of being thrown in a cells and whipped, maybe tongue removed.

The need to "win at roleplay". This is the biggest issue, everyone believes they need to "win at rp" which, I don't understand how you can win at roleplay or how you would do so. Everyone has this over bloated feeling of importance to their character, meaning they will not accept CKs for legitimate reasons such as holding a Baron hostage and robbing nobility as it is a "petty crime". View Nobility as like a President or a Minister in the government, the punishment for robbing or holding one of these figures would be extremely harsh and swift. Thievery of any kind within the medieval ages held harsh punishments such as loss of hands, lashings or executions.

anyone that has a brain agrees with the tavern issue. Hani is totally at fault for being a greedy hegemon when he forced sage to remap it inside of tehlrog, which i think is actually the #1 reason as to why CRP7's map is actually a BAD map. This is entirely the fault of hani, and no one else. why did you need iron, the #1 resource in the game, the prop merchant, the most housing, AND a tavern hani?

remember hani, if you somehow blame moth for this it's a whopping 10 points!

as for the rest of them, the staff has injected far too many combat sets into the server. they had an opportunity to axe a few when Tehlrog went explode mode, but failed to do so. Here's something the staff team needs to get into their brains:

If you give players a shit ton of shiny combat sets, chances are they'll all decide to fight!

Gear inflation during this scenario has been entirely the fault of the staff, injecting far too many sets into the server at the start of the scenario, and all they've been doing since is accepting bullshit warrior applications, and throwing absurd amounts of gear at every "mercenary company" that has taken the time to write a 5-minute org app. It's not even good-intentioned gear inflation either, where craftsmen inflate the economy with cheap T3 items, no. instead, it's admin merchant gear, which exists purely to stomp other players. at least there's roleplay surrounding craftsmen. Hani and the rest of staff had the right idea when they axed the admin merchant with this event.

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING?!? the staff team cries, being so incredibly unaware of itself it hurts. 12 sets of T2-3 mercenary kit to 4 different mercenary companies. An additional 10 sets of gear handed out to Hani's faction as a consequence of their bitching and moaning. 10 Vaegirs arriving on map with upper T3 sabre one-handers, strong bows, etc. The staff team has injected tons of gear into the scenario, like putting a patient on a bloodbag without actually closing up the wound in their leg. absolutely retarded.

As for the horse issue: no. you're dumb. horses are a fast way to cross the map. The staff FUCKED UP BIG TIME when they gave everyone T3 horsemanship. Only warrior class people and those that have been trained to fight on horseback ICly should have T3 horsemanship. Give everyone else T2, that way they can cross the map without spending 10 minutes of their lives. Horses are not a status symbol, that's retarded. they are and should never be reserved for nobility. ever.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 06:41:47 PM by Bartolomeo »

Offline Stoniestpepper

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2021, 06:51:25 PM »
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anyone that has a brain agrees with the tavern issue. Hani is totally at fault for being a greedy hegemon when he forced sage to remap it inside of tehlrog, which i think is actually the #1 reason as to why CRP7's map is actually a BAD map. This is entirely the fault of hani, and no one else. why did you need iron, the #1 resource in the game, the prop merchant, the most housing, AND a tavern hani?

remember hani, if you somehow blame moth for this it's a whopping 10 points!

as for the rest of them, the staff has injected far too many combat sets into the server. they had an opportunity to axe a few when Tehlrog went explode mode, but failed to do so. Here's something the staff team needs to get into their brains:

If you give players a shit ton of shiny combat sets, chances are they'll all decide to fight!

Gear inflation during this scenario has been entirely the fault of the staff, injecting far too many sets into the server at the start of the scenario, and all they've been doing since is accepting bullshit warrior applications, and throwing absurd amounts of gear at every "mercenary company" that has taken the time to write a 5-minute org app. It's not even good-intentioned gear inflation either, where craftsmen inflate the economy with cheap T3 items, no. instead, it's admin merchant gear, which exists purely to stomp other players. at least there's roleplay surrounding craftsmen. Hani and the rest of staff had the right idea when they axed the admin merchant with this event.

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING?!? the staff team cries, being so incredibly unaware of itself it hurts. 12 sets of T2-3 mercenary kit to 4 different mercenary companies. An additional 10 sets of gear handed out to Hani's faction as a consequence of their bitching and moaning. 10 Vaegirs arriving on map with upper T3 sabre one-handers, strong bows, etc. The staff team has injected tons of gear into the scenario, like putting a patient on a bloodbag without actually closing up the wound in their leg. absolutely retarded.

As for the horse issue: no. you're dumb. horses are a fast way to cross the map. The staff FUCKED UP BIG TIME when they gave everyone T3 horsemanship. Only warrior class people and those that have been trained to fight on horseback ICly should have T3 horsemanship. Give everyone else T2, that way they can cross the map without spending 10 minutes of their lives. Horses are not a status symbol, that's retarded. they are and should never be reserved for nobility. ever.

Horses are a faster way across the map yes, but when everyone buys the cheapest horse to run about because they are too lazy to just walk the distance. Not everyone should be able to ride a horse, they were used as a status symbol within the medieval ages and other RP servers/scenarios. This helped create good RP and actually separate the nobility. Most of the server is filled with no bodies who shouldn't be able to afford a horse. Too many horses on the map just means you'll run through RP scenes without a care in the world and devalues any threatening scenes as oh look, you can just run away to your safe zone and hide. Making people RP outside their character's actual personality

Also as a side note, please do not go to insults when addressing a legitimate issue

Anything you are wanting to discuss with me that I have posted, I am free for a conversation.

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2021, 06:53:13 PM »
damn bro gear inflation u mean just like how u spawned ur friends tin and horses on darkmyre crazy @Bartolomeo

Offline Demivar

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2021, 06:54:37 PM »
RP is split too many ways. A senior admin told me last night that RP should be brought to the Ismirala side of the river - that’s delusional. Why would you want to divide people even further? Things went pretty well at the start of the scenario as factions could harbour enough self-contained RP to create positive feedback loops. Perhaps I’m just a terrible roleplayer who only empowers boring people, but I’ve had an incredibly hard time recruiting ingame. Shoutouts to @kieronwaywoodheroofambean and @leonbisset for being pretty much the only people we managed to recruit through ingame means.

Too many factions, too much reliance on factions for RP, no commoner roleplay, no good hub for commoner roleplay, too many things going on in the map to ask for literally anything meaningful in terms of building. I don’t like building, but don’t expect me to keep 20 people in a rock forever. I’ve been going at it for two months and it’s getting very difficult to maintain that, and I’m essentially incapable of recruiting to fill in the boots of those who trickle away, too. My RP’s worse than I’d like it to be but even on good days it feels like we’re just stuck in a simulation. Characters develop, mature, and redundant ones fade away, and the only new things we see entering the server are more self-interested combat groups. 60 players should be more than enough, but the scenario is so adversarial that there’s neither a place nor a reason for good characters in different factions to interact. It’s PK but we talk before we fight, and rarely anything more.

Offline Jokah

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #9 on: March 01, 2021, 06:54:41 PM »
You as an FL, alongside myself and all the other FLs on the map were invited to the staff meeting where a lot of these issues that have been pointed out have been or are in the process of being addressed. That is where shit is most likely to change, though an open post where everyone's thoughts can be heard is good for gathering things that can be brought up.

Offline reyne

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #10 on: March 01, 2021, 06:55:08 PM »
anyone that has a brain agrees with the tavern issue. Hani is totally at fault for being a greedy hegemon when he forced sage to remap it inside of tehlrog, which i think is actually the #1 reason as to why CRP7's map is actually a BAD map. This is entirely the fault of hani, and no one else. why did you need iron, the #1 resource in the game, the prop merchant, the most housing, AND a tavern hani?

remember hani, if you somehow blame moth for this it's a whopping 10 points!

as for the rest of them, the staff has injected far too many combat sets into the server. they had an opportunity to axe a few when Tehlrog went explode mode, but failed to do so. Here's something the staff team needs to get into their brains:

If you give players a shit ton of shiny combat sets, chances are they'll all decide to fight!

Gear inflation during this scenario has been entirely the fault of the staff, injecting far too many sets into the server at the start of the scenario, and all they've been doing since is accepting bullshit warrior applications, and throwing absurd amounts of gear at every "mercenary company" that has taken the time to write a 5-minute org app. It's not even good-intentioned gear inflation either, where craftsmen inflate the economy with cheap T3 items, no. instead, it's admin merchant gear, which exists purely to stomp other players. at least there's roleplay surrounding craftsmen. Hani and the rest of staff had the right idea when they axed the admin merchant with this event.

WHY IS EVERYONE FIGHTING?!? the staff team cries, being so incredibly unaware of itself it hurts. 12 sets of T2-3 mercenary kit to 4 different mercenary companies. An additional 10 sets of gear handed out to Hani's faction as a consequence of their bitching and moaning. 10 Vaegirs arriving on map with upper T3 sabre one-handers, strong bows, etc. The staff team has injected tons of gear into the scenario, like putting a patient on a bloodbag without actually closing up the wound in their leg. absolutely retarded.

As for the horse issue: no. you're dumb. horses are a fast way to cross the map. The staff FUCKED UP BIG TIME when they gave everyone T3 horsemanship. Only warrior class people and those that have been trained to fight on horseback ICly should have T3 horsemanship. Give everyone else T2, that way they can cross the map without spending 10 minutes of their lives. Horses are not a status symbol, that's retarded. they are and should never be reserved for nobility. ever.

Can't take this serious when this blind american says we got strongbows im in tears

we got 2 short bows LMAO

Offline reyne

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #11 on: March 01, 2021, 06:55:56 PM »
You as an FL, alongside myself and all the other FLs on the map were invited to the staff meeting where a lot of these issues that have been pointed out have been or are in the process of being addressed. That is where shit is most likely to change, though an open post where everyone's thoughts can be heard is good for gathering things that can be brought up.

yeah jokah you for sure should have an opinion on this u for sure were not part of the same staff team until they gave u a noble for sure man

Offline Bartolomeo

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2021, 06:58:59 PM »
damn bro gear inflation u mean just like how u spawned ur friends tin and horses on darkmyre crazy @Bartolomeo

yes, exactly like that.

Can't take this serious when this blind american says we got strongbows im in tears

we got 2 short bows LMAO

pedantic. that's not the point. you still received masses of 31c sabres. dont be a retard and deflect because i got a minute detail wrong, you had a faction's worth of kit as an organization, any any argument to the contrary can only come from chromosome collectors.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 07:09:44 PM by Bartolomeo »

Offline OOC Fighter #3

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #13 on: March 01, 2021, 07:01:17 PM »
You as an FL, alongside myself and all the other FLs on the map were invited to the staff meeting where a lot of these issues that have been pointed out have been or are in the process of being addressed. That is where shit is most likely to change, though an open post where everyone's thoughts can be heard is good for gathering things that can be brought up.
I'm not sure if this was directed at me but I only heard about said staff meeting after it was concluded and the contents of the meeting were mostly bickering and arguing instead of actually putting ends to problems not to mention I've seen absolutely nothing so far being planned or done. I wish to work together, but we gotta do more than talk the talk and that's on the hands of the staff team's green light, which has been shunned forever.

Offline Sir Kydric

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Re: Dying Scenario: A guide
« Reply #14 on: March 01, 2021, 07:03:09 PM »
Step 1. Make a list of everything that needs to be fixed and discussed.
Step 2. Skip scenario timeline 2 years forwards and implement all the changes that are in your hearts.


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