
Author Topic: Vayejeg App (Passive Support Noble)  (Read 226 times)

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Vayejeg App (Passive Support Noble)
« on: February 11, 2021, 02:17:09 AM »
Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/pvtwardog/

Character's Name: Nikodemus Thornee

Biography Link (if applicable): WIP, will update if finished before this is voted on

Character's Status & Position: Son of a Baron and Newly appointed Steward of Vayejeg

Description of the Character:

Nikodemus Thornee is a well spoken, well groomed, and well educated man who stands 5'10" and is of a normal build. His education is that of an engineer who can handle just about everything of a civil matter and has basic understanding of siege warfare. though he learned sword fighting from a young age thanks to the sergeant at his father Barony, he found his calling in more civil and political dealings. With his Wits and Charming Charisma Nikodemus can constantly be found in the center of all sorts of political conversations and constantly organizing the Rabble to ensure good productivity for his various projects and endeavors.
Character's Goals:

1. To assist Vayejeg by handling finances, construction projects, Managing the Rabble into a stable work force, and find ways to increase and maintain the Barons Standing with other local nobility and the public.
2. To create more passive RP for Nobles AND the common folk more frequently
3. To help the economy Circulate better by negotiating trade deals Between Vayejeg and other factions/merchants to keep the storage sufficiently stocked
4. To create fun and interesting RP for all of those who choose to participate.
5. To be one of the IC middlemen when it comes to those who wish to build new buildings or Addons and create actual in game RP around building those new structures instead of just having it be a forum post with materials collected in game( With having the education as an engineer, can be hired to construct new things that would require someone with actual know how on how to create such a building or addon. I have IRL knowledge of being a foreman in construction for multiple years so i can definitely be counted on making actual In game RP around the constructions)
6. To help create events for the faction as well as the whole Server to enjoy.

In your opinion, what can you add to the faction in terms of general well-being (Ideas for Events/Type of Noble that you wish to play/Can you bring members to the faction with your noble?

I believe i can add to the factions well being by helping create a stable and consistent income by Organizing the local commoners, hiring servants, and creating consistent jobs for those looking for work to complete or endeavors that they could be sent on that will benefit Vayejeg .Ill also be handling trades which in turn will result in the betterment of the factions Finances as well as help keep equipment and supplies fully stocked.

As for events for the faction as well as the server as a whole I have a couple different ideas that I wish to pursue.

1. Arrange for off map adventures (With administrative support if possible for some of them) Such as sending a trade caravan to acquire X amount of goods or hiring Mercs to hunt down roaming bandits to retrieve a bounty, etc.etc.
2. Organizing feasts for celebrating big events as well as organizing smaller ones frequently to promote more Passive RP
3. As stated in my characters Bio (Still WIP so sorry if you read this before its posted, just gotta take my word for it) after his fathers death from a mix of old age and sickness, Niko's older brother became the new Baron which opens up the possibility of an event Noble (Niko's brother) to visit the map and provide a wide range of possible RP scenarios depending on how said player decides to play the character. Could also just be used as a Test Noble if the staff team decides they wish to see how a certain player would handle being in a Noble role.
4. Hosting Horse Races (And maybe foot races) through the Map with a reward for the winner (Usually Held before a Public Feast)
5. Hosting Fishing competitions where Biggest Number on a roll wins with the biggest Fish(We got the fishin here, might as well make use of it in a creative way  ;D )
6. Hosting Tournaments (Jousting, group fighting, one on one Duels, etc.) that provide a prize to the winner of each event.

Id like this Noble character to really push into a support role to help the faction stay active and make it so that everyone in the faction and those who interact with the faction can easily find RP to be apart of that isn't combat oriented. Im also hoping to use this Noble character and the position he is in to encourage more players to play passive roles as they could see how interesting passive rp can be even as a lowly commoner compared to "Go stand guard by the gate" or "Lets go rob someone".
I would also like this character to be able to assist where needed in faction politics if others are not available due to IC or IRL reasons

I believe with this position as well I could bring more players into or interact more with the faction in passive RP as they will have more interesting reasons to come around and RP instead of just yelling "Selling bread 5 Coins!" every time they see a character. And as the Quality of the RP surrounding the faction increases I know some more players that used to play with me on CRP 1-5 that would most likely be interested in coming back and playing on the server again.

Reason for Application:

Was asked by Bassguri to play this role in the faction and would like this support role as a stepping stone for future possible Noble Roles if the need arises.

Previous Characters:

Seth Silverfoot - A rich traitorous Guild Leader who was killed while hiding inside Riverdale days before attempting to overthrow his faction

Rodrik Ashwood - A rogue like man who made his living working with the Rangers who were under contract by the Nords

Sevil Kristoffersson - A healer working for House De Tracy while secretly Torturing those who found themselves unlucky enough to be placed on her operating table

Boris Shattershield - A sergeant in a small Nordic Band who was ultimately beheaded for drunken fights with Rhodoks

Kris Morris - A small time Merchant with a Big time attitude. Found tied to a tree and gutted in the swamps with his tongue missing

Bodan Marzanna - A Vageir Refugee with a tendency to steal valuable items and attempt to sell them back to their owners (Current event character)

(Cant remember the name for the life of me but it was on crp4) - A low tier weapon smith who doubled as a scribe and a Poet, spent most of his days in the town square writing or in the forge smithing.

Novan Braid - A piss soaked, one legged, beaten, ragged, and drunken beggar who spent his time droning on and on about the good old days while harassing the youth

And a whole plethora of lesser characters that were played for a day that would give guards something to do or someone to CK.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 11:18:14 PM by Wardog »
Yup, smells like profit to me......or its just Sarranid tears, both are good

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Re: Vayejeg App (Passive Support Noble)
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2021, 11:48:32 PM »


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